Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Long Time and Biggest Loser

I have been out for quite a while. Somehow the blog got pushed to the back of my mind. Although it probably shouldn't have. But watching the finale of the Biggest Loser, I realized how much of an impact I can have on the lives of my friends and family. Many of them are always asking me questions not only about sports, fitness, nutrition, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. But they also ask me questions about things which are way over my head.

My policy when it comes to that is simply find the answer, or direct them to somebody who has the answer. There are a few people in the sports training, fitness, youth training and rehabilitation profession who have my utmost respect. These professionals have knowledge from their time in college (most have a Master's in Exercise Science) but also from a lot of time spent with clients and patients. Some of these folks are Mike Boyle, Gray Cook, Brian Grasso, Mark Verstegen and Vern Gambetta.

But probably the one guy who I really look up to, and even base the Hi-5 FitCamp off of is Craig Ballantyne. He developed a fitness program that is based on sound research and gets amazing results. Check out his site

Designed for everybody from beginner to advanced, he came up with the idea after doing research for his Master's degree. I myself have looked up the studies he cites, and have also found other research supporting the same idea of intense work with minimal rest to develop muscle and use more fat while you are resting.

Jillian Micheals of the Biggest Loser is a raving fan of his. She has only good things to say about Craig and his program.

I have tried his program (check earlier blogs) and I have to say, they are a butt kicker. Give it a try with one catch; While you are doing the workout, wear a heart rate monitor. Watch it soar, and then check your heart rate throughout the day. It will still be elevated, meaning you are still recovering from the workout you did earlier in the morning. I will talk more about the benefits of a heart rate monitor later. For now, check out Craigs site. You will be amazed.


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