This past round of our exercise classes (The Morning HI-5 and Evening Circuit) we have a handful of new faces. Its quite exciting because for the longest time it was the same people coming in. Not that I don't like the people that have been faithful and consistent to either class, but new faces are those of new students. These new people are very excited to learn about how their body operates both on a daily basis but also on a much larger scale. They are learning about the acute effects of exercise but also the effects of chronic exercise.
They are learning how their body moves, what muscle groups are involved and how their daily lives are effected by the function of these muscle groups. It is a wonderful thing for them to learn how to perform movement patterns that allow them to lose fat and increase muscle. They are getting stronger and are much less likely to get injured or having nagging pain that can be so debilitating.
They are learning about steady state exercise compared to non-steady state exercise and the effects and benefits of both. Most of all, they are learning how to maintain and live an active lifestyle. They are learning that having muscular strength makes daily chores and tasks much easier. That is all we are trying to accomplish.
They are learning what foods to eat and which to avoid. They are learning how to eat and why it is so important to eat so frequently. I love watching people learn. When they get it, when they have changed their eating, exercise and sleep habits. Now we get to watch them change.
To all the people that are in these classes, you've been really putting out a lot of effort lately. Keep it up. One day you will look back and be amazed at the progress you have made. For anybody not in our classes, feel free to call and sign up. Their relatively inexpensive, times that are accomadating, have a very encouraging setting and are led by a person who has education, certification and experience (that would be me).
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