This is upsetting. I just got word from a player that her friends dad was making her play. She was in pain, and he would not let her come out.
I've tried sending emails and talking to parents. But many parents won't listen.
they think I'm trying to tell you how to parent.
They think I'm calling you out on your ability to parent.
They think I'm just some guy who doesn't know how to "groom" a young athlete to be a professional athlete.
Guess what? I am on their side, I am for them, I care about their kids and I care about their health.That is why I am going to be blunt. And I realize this may run some of them off from having their kids train with me. But this is where the rubber meets the road.
When your kids say they are hurt, LISTEN TO THEM!!
Don't call them a wimp. Don't call them lazy and sure as heck DON'T LEAVE THEM IN THE GAME!

"It builds mental toughness," "It promotes a good work ethic" "They need to get ready for college," "They're just faking it to get out of playing."
Mental toughness can be developed in other ways than playing through an injury, a good work ethic can be developed by completing homework and school projects, and they don't need to get ready for college until they are a sophomore or junior in high school, and even then if they were, an injury is a serious thing.
If it turns out they are faking it, then do you really think they've got the drive to play in college? Maybe they SHOULDN'T play in college if they don't want to play in high school?!
Here's my point. Parents care for their kids when it comes to their feelings, when it comes to them being sick, they care for them when it comes to their mental health. But for some reason, they insist on implementing their own goals for them regardless of the roadblocks.
Listen to these young athlete. If they say they are hurt, pull them out and don't let them play for 2 weeks!! But they say a "scout" is there?? At that point I ask, which is more important, your kids health or impressing a "scout"?

We all want our kids to be the best. but at some point parents have to stop being fans, and start being parents who are looking out for the well being of their kids.
If you really want them to get better at their sport, register them for our Peak Performance Summer Camp. Starting June 7th, the Peak Performance Camp will have 3 different groups meeting.
- Junior Peak Performance 1-2:30pm M,T,Th,F
- High School Women's peak Performance: 3-5pm M,T,Th,F
- High School Men's Peak Performance: 3-5pm M,T,Th,F
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